Frequent Flyers Call These the Worst Airports in The U.S.

Published on 02/03/2020

Santorini Airport, Greece

Santorini is regularly voted one of the most beautiful and popular islands in the world. On the other hand, the airport on the Mediterranean island of around 90 square kilometers is less popular. “The queues and the chaos were really the worst” – this is how one respondent describes his experience at Santorini Thira National Airport. “Inappropriately in any way,” said another. A third even recommends: “When you visit Santorini, better fly home from another island. Take a ferry or swim, but don’t fly from this airport.

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Santorini Airport, Greece


Cluj International Airport, Romania

Why is this airport doing so badly? One of the guests gives his review: “All passengers are crammed into a waiting hall that is far too small … the queues go right up to the building.” Another user complains in the shuttle bus to The airport stank of gasoline. There are also many complaints about the extremely long waiting times at the baggage carousels, and many planes take off here at the same time, which leads to considerable chaos in the queues.

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Cluj International Airport, Romania