Like A Jumpshot
Jumping with ecstasy is a thrilling and enjoyable method to express your enthusiasm for something. Before you jump, start your momentum by slightly bending your knees and propelling yourself forward with your arms. The following step is to push off with your feet to lift your body off the ground. Landing on the balls of your feet and bending your knees can help you absorb less force from the ground.
The woman appeared to jump perfectly, but gravity made her land on her back. She presumably had a friend videotape her successful leap so she could publish it on social media.
If It Works, It Works
It is illegal in Lithuania to use the restroom in public. Lithuania has enacted a new beach safety policy in addition to any sanctions or other repercussions that may be imposed. Lithuanian security personnel have begun filming persons who urinate in public places and putting the footage on YouTube in an effort to discourage others from urinating in public places. Others have chastised the security officials for invading the privacy of those who were photographed, despite the fact that others believe this is an effective technique of putting a stop to inappropriate behavior.
It’s possible that those who shouldn’t be encouraged to urinate in public won’t be deterred by the threat of being caught on camera in a video that goes viral.