Teacher Pulled Off An Amazing Act In Response to Kid’s Disclosure of Father’s Secret

Published on 10/01/2021

Helping Camden

The teacher didn’t make the phone call on the spur of the moment; she was well aware that her call could be viewed as completely unwarranted or useless. However, in this case, Camden, her compassion for children outweighed any concerns. She had to use any means necessary to assist this boy; otherwise, she would be committing a moral blunder. She also didn’t want to aggravate the situation by causing a rift with the boy’s father. She was very picky about the words she used. Nancy knew she had no choice when she dialed the number.

Helping Camden

Helping Camden


Visits From Uniformed Strangers

Camden’s problem was the first time Nancy had heard about it at home. In the previous month, uniformed strangers were said to have visited the little boy’s home. This seemed to be a problem that was bigger than a regular person’s problem, and one that might have involved the law. Camden was worried and afraid that his father would be taken away once more. Nancy knew she had to help, even though she wasn’t sure how she could.

Visits From Uniformed Strangers

Visits From Uniformed Strangers