Bride-To-Be Demands Her Wedding Guests Dress According To Their Weight

Published on 06/19/2019

For Visual Purposes

The post started rather innocently. The bride began by greeting her wedding guests. After that, she asked, “Who’s ready for Hawaii 2019?”. Then, she continued by saying that despite the fact that her wedding was still a year and a half away, she wanted to discuss something important. Naturally, she was referring to the dress code.

For Visual Purposes

For Visual Purposes

She explained the reason she announced the dress code so far in advance. It was so she can make sure her guests will have more than enough time to “find and pick out something nice.” Another reason she said contributed to the dress code was so it would create an “incredible visual effect” that was meant for the “synchronized dance” planned for the reception.


Different Categories

While you might think how weird it is for this bride to instruct her guests on what to wear to her wedding, but the strangest part has yet to come. The reason this story got such a strong reaction online was because of the way the bride chose to go about this.

Different Categories

Different Categories

In her post, she divided the dress code into five separate categories. Women who weigh 100-160 lbs, men who weigh 100-200 lbs, women who weigh 160 lbs and over, and men who weigh 200 lbs and over. However, the story doesn’t end there. The bride was sure to assign a dress code for the children who will be attending the wedding as well. Aside from the fact that telling your guests what to wear to your wedding is super weird, the fact that this is all based on weight is straight up offensive.