25+ Hilarious Break Up Signs That Nearly Went Too Far

Published on 07/06/2023

Dear David,

Ahhh, everyone is back together. Dave, your wife, kids, and even your girlfriend wanted to pay you a visit, but you were nowhere to be found, and no one had a spare napkin or sticky note. The only thing that would suffice would be this white marker on your back windshield. But what’s this about an empty bank account? You might wish to discuss that minor (or major) financial issue with your wife or girlfriend. It appears to be serious!

Dear David,

Dear David,


Everything Must Be Removed!

How are we expected to read this… From top to bottom or left to right? If it’s the first, we’d like to know how something like a garage can cheat. Does it allow odd cars? And why is it that everyone has to go? And, if this sign is interpreted in the second way, is this husband truly selling his wife or wives? And we’re supposed to like her? What’s going on here…

Everything Must Go!

Everything Must Be Removed!