Rolling Around On The Ground
Cats lie down on the ground and roll around for a variety of reasons, but they only do it if they feel comfortable since being on their backs and baring their tummy is one sign of vulnerability. A cat may do this just because they want to scratch their back or stretch their muscles, or the kitty may be trying to get your attention to play with you. A feline may also do this to mark their territory since rolling around helps them get their scent on the surface.
Wailing At Night
At night, cats are usually awake and active. If they have too much energy, they may run around and start wailing while you sleep. These cries could mean that the cat is attempting to catch prey in the house, or they might be crying out of frustration if they cannot find any insects or mice. If these cries bother you, try playing with your kitty during the day so that you tire it out and it’s less active during the night.