30+ Facts About Transgender Celebrities That You Might Not Know

Published on 03/16/2023

Thomas Beatie

Thomas Beatie made headlines in 2007 when it was revealed that he was indeed pregnant. Beatie, a transgender activist who advocates for transgender fertility and reproductive rights, came out as a guy in 1997 and completed his transition in 2002. He and his wife decided to use frozen donated sperm for artificial insemination so that Beatie could bear their child. Despite the fact that the public was outraged that a man was pregnant, Beatie went on to have four children for their family. Unfortunately, the marriage terminated in 2012. After the judge stated that if Beatie could bear the children, he was actually a woman married to another woman in a state that does not recognize same-sex marriage, the divorce case became complicated.

Thomas Beatie

Thomas Beatie


Eva Robin’s

Because the trans community is global, there will undoubtedly be trans celebrities from nations other than the United States. Eva Robins, a model, actor, and activist from Bologna, Italy, has felt like a woman since she was 13 years old. She began taking feminizing hormones at the age of 16, and by the age of 21, she was living as a woman. She does not need surgical procedures because she is at ease with her physique. Robin is best known for her portrayal in Dario Argentino’s thriller Tenebrae, but she has appeared in several films and has a flourishing modeling career. Away from employment, she is a strong activist who fights to safeguard the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

Eva Robin’s

Eva Robin’s