30+ Facts About Transgender Celebrities That You Might Not Know

Published on 03/16/2023

Amiyah Scott

Amiyah Scott is undeniably a rising talent from humble beginnings. Arthur, the gorgeous actress and influencer, was born in New Orleans to relatively strict parents. She didn’t identify with her name or the other boys in the neighborhood as a child. Because her family did not accept her gender identity, she turned to the underground culture for acceptance. Amiyah’s family has come to understand and welcome the person she truly is after her transition at the age of 17. She became an internet phenomenon after entering the underground ballroom scene and began receiving requests for television appearances. Amiyah got the GLAAD Rising Star Award in 2018 after landing the lead role in Fox’s Star.

Amiyah Scott

Amiyah Scott


Stef Sanjati

Stefanie Luciana Peloza, also known as Stef Sanjati, is a YouTuber who not only documents her transition but also addresses her hereditary ailment, Waardenburg Syndrome. As a child, she was frequently bullied because of her illness and her feminine characteristics. She has stated that her use of social media and the internet enabled her to feel at ease with her genuine self. While recovering from her facial feminization surgery, Stef made a point of documenting the good, bad, and ugly of cosmetic surgeries. Throughout her transition, she has been upfront and honest in an effort to encourage others to never be ashamed of who they are.

Stef Sanjati

Stef Sanjati