Man Reveals His Reasons For Denying A Female Soldier Her Seat In The Plane

Published on 09/15/2021

How To Pay Him Back For It

She knew the kind man was bigger and older than her, so the economy class seats would be even more uncomfortable for him. Jessica felt bad because he was probably cramped in the seat that was supposed to be for her. It was now her turn to make this stranger’s day! But how could she repay him for all he had done for her?

How To Pay Him Back For It

How To Pay Him Back For It


What She Could Do For Him

She was at a loss for what she could do to make the flight at least a little more comfortable for him. Jessica discussed it with a flight attendant, but she was limited in her options. After all, she couldn’t even send items to the economy seats. She’d have to come up with something else if she wanted to make amends with him. But what options did she have?

What She Could Do For Him

What She Could Do For Him