A Strange Object Discovered In Backyard – Police Respond With Startling Message: “You Weren’t Meant to Witness This”

Published on 08/31/2023

Past Permit

As the family delved into the countless pages, meticulously searching for clues, their eyes fell upon a hidden gem. Within the vast collection of information, they stumbled upon a faint mention of a permit – a crucial piece of the puzzle. This permit had been granted to the previous owner, authorizing him to excavate his yard, unveiling the corroded sewage pipes beneath. These pipes had been the culprits behind a catastrophic leak, resulting in the disruption of the property’s waste disposal system in the not-so-distant past.

Past Permit

Past Permit

Could this be the long-awaited answer they had been desperately seeking? The revelation sparked a glimmer of hope, tinged with a sense of anticipation, as their quest to uncover the truth continued.


The Homeowner

The documentation clearly indicated an intriguing revelation – the area of repair, where the large metallic object was serendipitously discovered, happened to coincide with the precise spot their family had chosen to place their sparkling new pool. As the puzzle pieces seemed to effortlessly fall into place, filling the gaps of curiosity, the largest question of all remained lingering in the depths of their minds: Why did the previous homeowner feel compelled to clandestinely bury this mysterious object beneath the earth’s surface?

The Homeowner

The Homeowner

The enigma now posed an even greater fascination, beckoning them to dive deeper into the realms of history and unravel the secrets hidden within the very fabric of their home.