What You Never Knew About The Joker

Published on 10/17/2019

Locked In A Hotel

Speaking of Heath Ledger, his take on the Joker truly made waves in the entertainment industry. He was known to stay in character with full makeup on set, and his ability to get into the mind of the Joker is seen many times throughout The Dark Knight. The role required Ledger to go to some seriously dark places, so before filming began, he locked himself in a hotel room and then his apartment for a month so he could feel totally isolated.

Locked In A Hotel

Locked In A Hotel


A Clockwork Orange

When he was researching the part of the Joker, Heath Ledger got loads of inspiration from Stanley Kubrick’s movie, A Clockwork Orange. The movie had a big influence on Ledger’s acting choices for the Joker. The main character, Alex DeLarge, was a gang leader who was a lot like the Joker in his love of chaos. The gang would inflict horrible acts on unsuspecting citizens just for the fun of it.

A Clockwork Orange

A Clockwork Orange