What You Never Knew About The Joker

Published on 10/17/2019


According to both the Joker and the Riddler, a woman named Jeannie is said to be the wife of the man who later became the Joker. She was carrying an unborn child when she was in a household accident. Neither she nor the baby made it out alive. This tragedy might just be one major reason why the Joker went insane.




Robin Williams

Can you imagine Robin Williams playing the Joker? Well, as it turns out, it almost happened. Williams was considered for the role in Tim Burton’s Batman, only it didn’t work out. It’s a shame since it would have been an awesome character for him. At the time, Williams made it clear that he was more than interested in the part. Fast forward to an interview with him in 2006; He went on to describe how he’d take on the part: “Well, you want to do a different Joker. You know, if they do Arkham Asylum, it would be amazing. Arkham Asylum is one of the greatest, nastiest comic books ever. It’s truly, it’s like the Marquee de Sade on that level, and wonderfully damaged and quite tragic.”

Robin Williams

Robin Williams