You Will Feel A Whole Lot Better After Seeing These Funny Life Fails

Published on 06/05/2019

Leaving A Trail

There are no words. The embarrassment, the shame, the fact that nobody said anything and for so long. Where to even begin. When this poor human eventually sat back in their seat the surprise must have been super real. Wow. It is super funny and an entertaining fail, we just hope that the plane was landing soon. Imagine having to sit for a few more hours knowing everyone around you knows what you just did in the loo.

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Leaving A Trail


BMX Fail

While we definitely understand how amazing BMX tricks are, it goes without saying that you really shouldn’t attempt them as you try the tricks near people. Sadly, for the poor guy, his head got hit with the bike because of the trick. This would have been a cool trick if he didn’t land on the person’s head.

BMX Fail

BMX Fail