You Will Feel A Whole Lot Better After Seeing These Funny Life Fails

Published on 06/05/2019

Tight Space

Here is a good example as to why you should always be mindful of where you park. As you can see in the image, the car in the middle didn’t park properly within the lines, which is why the two other cars took it upon themselves to teach this unlucky fellow a lesson by boxing the car in with their own vehicles.

Tight Space

Tight Space


That’s A Wrap!

Here is another fella who doesn’t seem to know how to park properly. You don’t need to look hard to find out why this car’s owner is failing at life. Just one glance and you can see how unlucky they are thanks to the tape that has been wrapped around the car. They definitely won’t be able to remove the cover right away that’s for sure.

That's A Wrap!

That’s A Wrap!