These Simple And Budget-Friendly Hacks Would Help Prolong Your Car’s Life

Published on 07/29/2021

Get More Gas From The Pump

Although it may appear to be a simple task, there is a better way to pump gas than simply going full throttle. If you just press the gas pump all the way down, bubbles will form in your tank, fooling the nozzle into thinking it’s full. In reality, there is still room for more gas; you just need to go slower. You will have to wait a little longer for the gas to come out if you only press the pump halfway, but more will actually go into your tank.

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Get More Gas From The Pump


Blow Away Bumper Stickers

The majority of you reading this have at least one type of bumper sticker on your car. It turns out that getting rid of them is a lot easier than you might think. For this trick, all you’ll need is a well-functioning hairdryer. Heat the sides of the sticker with the hairdryer, and the glue should start to lift within a few minutes, making it easier to peel. It’s time to put all those bumper stickers from 2006 to rest.

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Blow Away Bumper Stickers