These Simple And Budget-Friendly Hacks Would Help Prolong Your Car’s Life

Published on 07/29/2021

Use Over-The-Door Shoe Racks As Backseat Organizers

If you have kids, this one is especially useful: All of the backseat essentials, such as sippy cups, toys, chargers, and snacks, can be stored on a simple over-the-door shoe rack. All of the pouches are easily accessible, and they’re much easier to spot than the pouches that come standard with some minivan seats.

Use Over The Door Shoe Racks As Backseat Organizers

Use Over-The-Door Shoe Racks As Backseat Organizers


Window Chips? Clear Nail Polish Could Help

Once more, the magic of nail polish has struck! If a crack or chip appears in your windshield, it will almost certainly spread and crack further, making driving dangerous. If you can’t afford to replace your windshield right now, a few drops of clear nail polish, applied like a run in a pair of stockings, should keep the crack from spreading until you can.

Window Chips? Clear Nail Polish Could Help

Window Chips? Clear Nail Polish Could Help