Healthy Options: These Are The Foods You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight

Published on 09/15/2021

Dark Chocolate

You probably didn’t expect chocolate to be on this list! Diets are difficult, and if you completely deprive yourself, you may wind up bingeing and undoing all of your hard work. To avoid this, add a few squares of dark chocolate now and then when you’re seeking something sweet. Dark chocolate is much healthier than other forms of sweets because it includes good fats and is lower in sugar than other types of chocolate. Some studies even suggest that it is beneficial to the heart! So, if you have a yearning, don’t be scared to give in to it – in moderation, of course.

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate



Almonds are the lowest calorie nut, with roughly 7 calories per nut, yet they are also extremely nutritious. They are high in protein and good fats (both of which are required for weight loss), and they are also high in vitamin E.

