If You Remember Who “Octomom” Is, You Might Want To See What She’s Been Up To Recently

Published on 05/12/2021

Nadya Suleman, aka Octomom, made headlines in 2009 when she became pregnant with eight babies at the same time! She and her doctor became quite controversial and widely chastised, but many people expressed their support. Regardless, America was intrigued by her large family. Continue reading to learn more about Nadya Suleman, how she came to be known as Octomom, and what she and her numerous children are up to these days.

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If You Remember Who “Octomom” Is, You Might Want To See What She’s Been Up To Recently

A Big Family

Since she didn’t have any siblings, Nadya Suleman’s greatest wish was to have a large family. However, she had no idea that her strong desire for a large and happy family would make her make difficult choices that would forever alter her life. Regardless, it was because of her unwavering determination to see her dream realized that the world witnessed a miracle.

A Big Family

A Big Family