Childbirth Success
It was soon time for Nadya Suleman to give birth to her children. Thankfully, all eight babies were delivered safely and were healthy, which was a huge relief for Nadya. Apart from the fact that it was incredible to witness, Nadya’s case is the first of its kind in history, and the world took notice. The octuplets born to Nadya are the first set of octuplets to be born alive and survive for more than seven days.

Childbirth Success
All Eyes On Her
At that point, Nadya was just happy to see and hold her babies, and she was looking forward to introducing them to their older siblings. On the other hand, the world was watching her, and they were skeptical that she would be able to handle the situation. Despite this, many people, particularly in the medical community, seemed astonished by her story and eager to learn more. Many doctors attempted to communicate with Nadya because not only was her pregnancy remarkable, but all eight of her octuplets survived.

All Eyes On Her