There’s No Such Thing as Free Lunch
Even though in vitro fertilization, or IVF, is not a difficult procedure, it is not always successful and comes at a high cost. Despite this, Nadya was not discouraged in the least by these factors, as she had grown tired of failure. In terms of the procedure, many doctors advise fertilizing multiple eggs so that the fertilization process has a better chance of success. This actually entailed another risk that Nadya would have to take, but would she choose to take it?

There’s No Such Thing As Free Lunch
Worth It
Prior to undergoing IVF treatment, Nadya had to consider one important factor: the possibility of becoming pregnant with multiple children if all of the implanted eggs survived. This puts the pregnancy in jeopardy, but she was determined to start a family, and her motto appears to be “the more, the merrier.” Some people believe that being pregnant with multiple children at the same time should have made Nadya nervous. However, no one could have predicted the outcome.

Worth It