Find Out How Retired NBA Players Are Faring Outside Of The Court

Published on 08/23/2021

Dennis Rodman – Political Ambassador

Let’s just say Dennis Rodman hasn’t been able to stay out of the limelight for too long. It goes without saying that this NBA great likes being the focus of attention! He hasn’t got a regular job, but we’d want to know what he’s been doing since his days on the court. After retiring, he returned to the world of professional wrestling. When he was no longer able to do so, the former basketball star became a political ambassador and paid a visit to North Korea in 2013. When he came home, he called Kim Jong Un a “lifetime buddy.” He returned in 2017.

Dennis Rodman – Political Ambassador

Dennis Rodman – Political Ambassador


Latrell Sprewell – Pitchman

Latrell Sprewell has always been a source of controversy. When he played in the NBA, he was frequently referred to be a superstar. His career was cut short, though, when he attacked the Warriors’ head coach in 1997. In 2005, he departed the firm. Then it appears that his karma has arrived. Due to foreclosure, he was evicted from his residences. His yacht was also engaged in a collision. The drama prompted him to seek a new job, which he found as a Priceline pitchman. He has now admitted to making terrible life choices. We’re hoping he learned his lesson!

Latrell Sprewell – Pitchman

Latrell Sprewell – Pitchman