The Ideal Dog Breeds For Your Grandparents And Kids

Published on 02/10/2021

Coton De Tulear

A dog that is active and playful, the Coton De Tulear has a big personality. They are a tiny breed that actually prefer playing indoors, two elements that make them a perfect candidate to be a companion for a senior. A dog that loves cuddles and running round the house, they are a great little partner.

Coton De Tulear

Coton De Tulear


Finnish Lapphund

A breed of dog that loves being around people, they actually aren’t the most active of dogs. They don’t require too many walks, but can get lonely so don’t leave them home alone for too long a period. Originating from the Arctic, it won’t come as a surprise that they enjoy cold weather. An empathetic, caring, sensitive breed; they are a perfect companion for a senior.

Finnish Lapphund

Finnish Lapphund