The Ideal Dog Breeds For Your Grandparents And Kids

Published on 02/10/2021

Great Pyrenees

The Pyrenees is also a slightly larger dog, but this isn’t a bad thing! The Pyrenees is a fantastic alternative to the Golden retriever, where a Golden might just be too energetic for a senior. A dog that enjoys a weekly brushing, they are certainly one of the sweetest and friendliest breeds of all time.

Great Pyrenees

Great Pyrenees


Irish Setter

A dog that could be a great fit for a senior is the Irish Setter. They get along fantastically with children, which is great news if you have grandchildren! They are also a sociable dog that requires long, daily walks. If your senior is looking to get out more and have a furry companion, then the Irish Setter might well be the dog they need. They are great pets who adore their owners.

Irish Setter

Irish Setter