40+ Fashion Mistakes Men Need To Stop Doing Now

Published on 08/10/2022

Too many accessories

We all occasionally go overboard with our accessories, but Coco Chanel famously advised, “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one off.” This is wise advice, especially considering that women like men who are well-groomed. The best way to accomplish this is a with few, outfit-coordinating accessories.

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Too many accessories


Sandals with socks

The majority of us believed that by now this fad would be obsolete, but apparently, men still do this! Sandals belong on the beach or in the summer. Men wearing them all the time, especially when paired with socks, is really unappealing. For comfort, you should go barefoot when wearing sandals. Buy closed-toe shoes if you don’t like people seeing your feet.

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Sandals with socks