You Might Want To Think Twice Before You Eat The Following Food From China

Published on 11/30/2020


We are sure that you have heard all those rumors about how Chinese people eat weird stuff. Perhaps you even heard the rumor that they serve you something different than what you ordered. It is said that this is true for lamb. You are better off buying this meat from a different store! In 2013, cops arrested 900 Chinese locals trying to sell rats as lamb. They discovered 20,000 pounds of spoiled fake meat in the possession of the foreigners! How gross is that?






We have to say that not all of its oil is tainted. However, we are still considered by the lack of food safety laws that make it possible for certain manufacturers to make tainted products. In reality, oil sees a lot of this. There was a time when a huge Chinese food company took used oil from restaurants, filtered it, repackaged it, and sold it as new. If you are thinking of getting oil from China, do not forget that you might actually be using “cleaned” recycled oil instead of brand new. Honestly, we do not even want to know where the oil has been before that!

