You Might Want To Think Twice Before You Eat The Following Food From China

Published on 11/30/2020


Sadly, this is also the chase for cod. You should know that these fish were raised under bad conditions in China. The animals are placed in small areas full of thousands of fish. It is already bad enough that the areas are crowded and dirty, but they are also teeming with garbage and sewage. Basically, cod was raised in toxic conditions. By eating it on a regular basis, you are letting all that toxicity inside your body! You should be thankful that we are here to give you the heads up about avoiding it.





It is not hard to find tainted mushrooms from China. This product also suffers from pesticide use issues, but they are also mislabeled to fetch a better price. Apparently, manufacturers tend to add the “organic” label to regular mushrooms to score higher prices. They are already full of harmful chemicals, but the manufacturers also apply a preservative to keep it looking fresh. Food inspectors occasionally find issues with the mushrooms coming out of China. Do you want our opinion? They are not worth the risk. If you can’t do without mushroom, you can at least get the product from a different store.

