You Might Want To Think Twice Before You Eat The Following Food From China

Published on 11/30/2020


The truth is that we eat a lot of stuff that comes from China. Take eggs, for example. If you take a good look at it, you might find that they are not produced in local farms. You might be surprised when you hear that they instead come from across the Pacific: China. Their factories often add paraffin and calcium carbonate to the eggs. Yep, you might be poisoning yourself and the family without knowing it!




Green Peas

When it comes to veggies, you thought that you can’t go wrong with green peas! After all, they are high in antioxidants and fiber. Sadly, you have no way to know for sure that you are getting green peas. A lot of these products were made in a Chinese lab with the use of various products. You might think that you are munching on green peas, but it might just be a mixture of snow peas, preservatives, soybeans, and food bleaches. The thought of this is terrifying to us! It would be awful if you unwittingly gave this to your kids.

Green Peas

Green Peas