You Might Want To Think Twice Before You Eat The Following Food From China

Published on 11/30/2020


Chinese apple farmers were already wrapping sacks of white chemical powder around the apple on the tree so that it came into direct contact with pesticides. In the manufacturing industry, workers wear face masks and gloves to avoid contact with the hazardous chemicals. Only two out of ten apples on the local market come from a local production. 3600 tons of apples come from China every year.

Pr Tn Fruit Apple




In October 2012, frozen strawberries from China contaminated with the norovirus were the trigger for acute diarrhea from vomiting, from which over 10,000 people, mostly children, and adolescents, suffered in many cities in Germany. In the field of already processed strawberries, packed in kilo goods, China dominates the German market with a share of 97 percent. We definitely did not expect this. Did you?

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