30+ Ingenious Uses For WD-40 You Did Not Know Before

Published on 12/27/2018

Cleaning Dried Glue

We all know that glue is supposed to keep things stuck together, but sometimes we want to get rid of it. This is especially true if it’s dried in a place you don’t want it. So what do you do when you want to make it disappear? You know it! WD-40 is the solution to this annoying problem – just spray and wait for the glue to loosen.

Cleaning Dried Glue

Cleaning Dried Glue


Degreasing Your hands

Have you ever worked for hours with grease? It is one really nasty thing to get off your body. Some people swear by pouring gasoline over their hands and then washing that off. The problem with that is it will ultimately dry your hands out and cause them to become rough. WD-40 on the other hand with help the grease come right off and without costing you soft hands.

Degreasing Your Hands

Degreasing Your Hands