30+ Ingenious Uses For WD-40 You Did Not Know Before

Published on 12/27/2018

Removing Carpet Stains

Do you know just how many people have dried carpet stains in their living rooms? No, we have no idea either, but it’s terribly sad that they’ve come to accept that it’s a part of their furniture. Truly sad because if they had only known about WD-40’s magic touch they would have never have had to accept that kind of reality.

Removing Carpet Stains

Removing Carpet Stains


Getting Rid Of Tomato Stains

Do you know what drops harder than a rock to the bottom of the ocean? A huge glob of ketchup from a hot dog onto your shirt just before an important meeting. We all make the same mistake of trying to rub it away with then napkin already covered in ketchup. Ugh! That shirt might not be ready for the meeting, but at least you can salvage it in the long run by spraying it with WD-40 before washing it.

Getting Rid Of Tomato Stains

Getting Rid Of Tomato Stains