30+ Ingenious Uses For WD-40 You Did Not Know Before

Published on 12/27/2018

Wiping Down Your Fridge

If you’ve ever taken the time to clean your fridge (we won’t judge you if you haven’t) you’d know that it’s hardly a fun experience. Refrigerators have a reputation of collecting all sorts of gross food leftovers. When you try to clean this gunk away, it can be quite challenging. Try spraying WD-40 on the stubborn parts and then wipe away with a dry cloth or paper towel.

Wiping Down Your Fridge

Wiping Down Your Fridge


Pretreating Blood Stains

Before you start imagining the scene of a homicide, think a little smaller – maybe like a bloodied nose or a cut finger. Sorry for pulling Hollywood out of the picture. Blood dries fast on clothing and it can leave a nasty stain. Before the stain becomes that, spray it with WD-40 and then wash it out.

Pretreating Blood Stains

Pretreating Blood Stains