Get To Know More About The Amazing Culture Of The Amish People!

Published on 04/06/2021


In all sectors of traditional Amish life, various forms of farming have been at the center of their working lives. However, within the last hundred years, it has been reported that more and more Amish have become involved in business enterprises. These business enterprises have notably been in carpentry among other craftsman-like businesses, as well as selling farm products. Additionally, they have been known to form constriction crews to build houses for non-Amish. Most recently they have even been known to work in factories.




Taxes Continued

As previously mentioned, the Amish indeed have to pay the same taxes as any other US Citizen. They pay all regular taxes, including income, property, sales, estate, corporate and school taxes. The only tax the Amish don’t pay, or collect, would be Social Security; receiving an exemption from congress in 1965 as the Amish saw it as a version of commercial insurance.

Taxes Continued

Taxes Continued