Frequent Flyers Call These the Worst Airports in The U.S.

Published on 02/03/2020

Miami International Airport

Satisfaction score: 750

Miami International is only the way it is due to its close proximity to the Caribbean and the city’s popularity. Always packed, the airport is full of tourists and irritated Floridians trying to get out of the city or get home already. Travelers complain a lot about long walks from security to boarding, confusing signage and horrible service all around. Almost 1 in 5 flights is delayed, which is fine if you enjoy spending time in crushing humidity. One passenger wrote on Yelp he swears he’d “rather schedule a frontal lobotomy than come back to this dive.”

Miami International Airport

Miami International Airport


Oakland International Airport

Satisfaction score: 749

This airport seems to be desgined specifically to torture travelers. It has everything from dirty bathrooms and gates littered with trash to limited dining options and angry customer service. No wonder no one’s happy when the best thing you can say about the airport is that you can get out of it quickly. BART subway trains leave every 6 minutes. A local traveler says this on Yelp: “Pray that your flight won’t be canceled and keep this place as a last option.”

Oakland International Airport

Oakland International Airport