Salt Lake City International Airport
Satisfaction score: 768
Salt Lake City residents are excited that a brand-new airport is being built with an epic art installation that’s set to open in 2020. Until then, however, travelers are forced to endure the city’s old “claustrophobic nightmare”, as one described it. In 1960, terminal 1 was completed, and terminal 2 was built in the late 70s. The most recent upgrades happened in the 80s. The airport hasn’t kept up with growing air traffic and travelers’ needs. On Yelp, reviews have spoken about the “crowded, limited lounges,” “filthy facilities” and the “worst Wi-Fi of any airport from here to Istanbul.”
Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport
Satisfaction score: 767
While this airport was named among the best in North America by Airports Council International in 2018, travelers strongly disagree. As business grew, the airport added some poorly-connected expansions. Nowadays, the layout has underground crossings, escalators, car traffic, and terribly confusing signage. Yelp reviews report security lines last an hour and a half and customers are herded “like cattle to a meat factory”. Not to mention, there’s an alarming shortage of men’s toilets. Another frequent flier says, “It took me over 45 minutes to walk from security to my gate. Last month, I got food poisoning here. Truly a destination for one’s worst enemy.”