Never In Your Wildest Dreams Could You Have Imagined That These Animals Exist

Published on 12/25/2019

Saiga Antelope

The antelope sure looks like it came straight from Star Wars! Millions of saigas roamed central Asia but had since been hunted down to only 1,000 around a century ago. Laws have protected them as they grew to hundreds of thousands. Sadly, they have been hunted relentlessly since the fall of the Soviet Union. In 2015, 60% of the animals died because of a bacterial infection. How awful!

Saiga Antelope

Saiga Antelope

Hammer-Headed Bat

This bat is indeed real, but it is much smaller than you might think. Their bodies are often only 10 inches long. Its wingspan reaches around 3 feet wide. The males come with huge heads to make loud honks to entice females. Certain scientists say they have Ebola virus, although they do not show any symptoms of the disease. It has yet to be revealed if the African bats can pass it on to humans.

Hammer-Headed Bat

Hammer-Headed Bat