Animals Who Look Like They Didn’t Want To Be Captured On Camera

Published on 06/14/2021

Let Me Have A Look!

Everything was going swimmingly for this photographer until the arrival of this cheetah. He’s now stuck, unable to move, staring through the camera. Any sudden movement could send this calm kitty into big cat mode. For the time being, everything appears to be in order. Simply put, don’t move. There’s always the possibility that this cheetah is genuinely interested in looking at the camera. Cats are inquisitive creatures, and this one may simply be curious about what this strange human is up to. Is he on the lookout for more cheetahs? Perhaps a tasty snack? One thing is sure: curiosity won’t get this cat!

Let Me Have A Look!

Let Me Have A Look!


Reviewing The Photos

Perhaps this is how the lion in the previous slide got the camera. We can’t be certain it’s the same lion or camera, but it’s possible. This ferocious feline is clearly learning how to photograph itself. It’s had enough of watching humans do it, and now it’s taking a turn. Is this the beginning of Animal Farm? The other animals will gradually learn how to do other things now that lions know how to take pictures. We’ll be living in the grass before we know it while our furry friends build homes for themselves indoors.

Reviewing The Photos

Reviewing The Photos