Animals Who Look Like They Didn’t Want To Be Captured On Camera

Published on 06/14/2021

Another Animal Taking Over

The lions came first, followed by the foxes. Or did the foxes initiate the end-of-the-world scenario? Several foxes have now been seen getting in the way of wildlife photographers doing their jobs. It appears that they had a hidden agenda. Foxes are cunning! What’s next, mice learning to photograph? Snakes? We’re trembling in our boots because the possibilities are endless. Okay, we’re not all that terrified. This entire doomsday scenario is far too absurd to be taken seriously. Return to your foraging, fox!

Another Animal Taking Over

Another Animal Taking Over


The Next To Take Over

So much for the absurdity of the animal takeover scenario. Our worst fears have been realized. The foxes first taught the lions how to use cameras and then the mice. The cameras come first, followed by the rest of our technology, and don’t count on your thumbs to save you. Call your local veterinarian and explain the situation. Your children’s future is at stake!

The Next To Take Over

The Next To Take Over