Animals Who Look Like They Didn’t Want To Be Captured On Camera

Published on 06/14/2021

Taking The Perfect Picture

Behind the lens of this Canon camera, this little fox appears to be a professional. Take a look at how he’s standing straight and leaning against the tripod’s camera. His paw placement is perfect, and he almost appears to be peering through the viewfinder, giving his subject some creative direction!… And it’s possible that he is. After all, foxes aren’t known for being one of the most intelligent animals on the planet.

Taking The Perfect Picture

Taking The Perfect Picture


Curious Bear

Can you imagine setting up your gear to shoot some wildlife photography only to return to this scene after a brief break? We’re glad this photographer had another camera on hand to capture this moment because it’s spot-on! The bear appears to be directing a photoshoot from the way he stands curiously over this camera. While we adore this image, we’d be a little worried if a bear was circling our priceless possessions!

Curious Bear

Curious Bear