Eat The Following Food Items If You Do Not Worry About Weight Gain

Published on 06/14/2021


Have you noticed how many watery veggies there are on the list? The cucumber makes for yet another great example of this. It is hydrating, which makes it good for hot days. A ton of folks prefer to peel off the skin, but you should avoid that if you want to reap all of the health benefits that it has to offer. It is a low-energy food with only 16 calories per serving. The peel and seeds are filling and full of fiber too!




Honeydew Melon

We will admit that there are more low-energy density fruits than the honeydew melon, but it still comes in handy in terms of weight loss. Each serving has 78 calories, give or take. This is higher than many items on our list because it has more natural sugar. Even so, a single serving will be enough to over half of the daily vitamin C requirement. On top of that, we love how it makes the skin glow as well.

Honeydew Melon

Honeydew Melon