Here’s Why Some Coca-Cola Bottles Have Yellow Caps

Published on 08/12/2021

Wall Painting Ads

In the 1890s, Coca-Cola used wall paintings to promote the beverage. Even back then, it appears that the young company had a good understanding of its branding. The murals were painted on a red background with white writing. Does this ring a bell? You might believe that this was the tipping point, but it wasn’t. And you’d be surprised to learn how Coca-colors Cola’s of red and white came to be.

Wall Painting Ads

Wall Painting Ads


For Taxes

In a 2018 interview with Business Insider, a company spokesperson said, “From the mid-1890s, we began painting our barrels red so that tax agents could distinguish them from alcohol during transport.”Since then, the colors have remained. When you think about it, Coca-use Cola’s of the color red isn’t particularly noteworthy. Everything is purely coincidental. So, what kind of red does the beverage behemoth prefer?

For Taxes

For Taxes