Tom Cruise Talks About The Biggest Love Of His Life

Published on 05/10/2023

Dedicated to the Role

Tom Cruise is well known for his unrelenting dedication to his on-screen personas. To be able to deliver his lines in Japanese in the film “The Last Samurai,” Cruise studied the language for three months. The actor has been observed attending Japanese festivals, indulging in sushi, and visiting local temples. He has traveled to Japan so regularly that the country has designated a day to him, called “Tom Cruise Day!” Even learning to play the shamisen, a traditional Japanese stringed instrument, as part of his training for his role in “The Last Samurai,” Cruise was well-prepared for the part.

Dedicated To The Role

Dedicated To The Role


No Stuntman!

Tom Cruise is renowned for his unshakable dedication to his profession, which includes his propensity for pulling off his own stunts in movies. He reportedly won’t agree to work on a project unless he can perform his antics.
In “Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation,” he held his breath underwater for over six minutes while dangling off the side of an airplane. Even in his upcoming movie “Mission: Impossible 7,” Cruise insists on performing his own stunts, even though it may be riskier for actors to do so. It’s amazing that he’s been able to survive such hazardous exploits!

No Stuntman!

No Stuntman!